Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Just a reminder............

This is what happens when you concentrate the beauty of being a human being in one person. Sung in German, "Ava Maria", by Helene Fischer. Yes, she is a big pop artist in Europe.....we should be so lucky. Feel free to disagree with me after the video.

M. Beaver

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Attacks in Jewish section of Brooklyn, NY

This is a hoot, straight from Reuters. On saturday, Nov. 12, several cars were set afire, and racist names painted on a van in this neighborhood. "KKK", painted in red on a van. This comes a day after, I think, 73rd anniversary of Kristallnacht. This was stressed in the article, and Mayor Bloomberg calling it a "hate" crime, but police have no suspects in this case. Hmmmm, last time something like this happened, wasn't it at Columbia university and the student was caught marking her own door? This has all the earmarks of the "victims" creating their own crimes when there is a lack of that behavior being exhibited toward them. I guess their auto insurance companies will take care of the burned cars. Insurance scam, anyone?

Also, in Congressnake news, Reps from NY and FLA, (wouldn't that figure), apparently are trying to beat a war drum against Iran saying they are testing warheads on their missiles. Congressnakes must really hate the American people, they are constantly trying to get them killed off in disgusting, needless wars for their bosses in Israel.

Apparently, God is talking to the presidential hopefuls again...........Herman Cain.........pray, pray, pray, .............Oh? You want me to run for President? Sure, I'll do it.

Warning: last time this particular god spoke to a human, he/she picked the worst one that could be found.

                                                  God told me to slaughter all these people!!
Just a short one
M. Beaver

Saturday, November 12, 2011

A dangerous person to Zionist Bankers

Here is a link to a  youtube clip of Patricia McAllister. Fired from her job as a substitute teacher for speaking the truth about Zionists, and the Federal Reserve. In this clip the interviewer tells her she is anti-semitic for speaking out against the Federal Reserve and Zionists. She clearly, only mentions the bankers, and Zionists and mentions they should be run out of the country. The interviewer then mentions she is racist, and what if blacks were being mentioned........this is where the Lady applies the coup de grace to the interviewer's question/argument. She plainly says if it were blacks doing this to the country, they should be run out too. Back at the news station, the talking heads are describing her comments as an "anti-semitic rant". Of course they will, Haim or Shalom is behind the curtain typing on the teleprompter. LOL  I know this is old news, but the lady is speaking the truth, and taking the consequences for her opinions. Her charges are based on fact, not rumor, or even prejudices she might have learned from the media. This is for sure, since the media does not talk about Zionists, or Fed Reserve bankers in a derogatory/truthful manner. http://youtu.be/8bhhcOywOVk
http://youtu.be/84_IdHq7sgs Notice in second video how the interviewer from the tv station talks to someone from Occupy LA, and tries to guide the conversation toward Occupy LA being anti semitic.
Then the anchor back at the station accusing the woman of "hating". Then, the camera pans back to show a woman who is asking why McAllister is even being allowed to talk like that!! C'mon, even pole dancers are smarter than that!!

Hats off to the lady, like a proper gentleman!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Another first for behavioral science. Someone taught a turd to talk and carry a clipboard.

. http://youtu.be/mUFSdsffCgQ Pray to your favorite deity that this thing didn't reproduce.

Mary G. Oakes, PhD, REHS
Environmental Health Specialist II, and Squasher of the Quail Hollow Farm Farm to Fork dinner event:
(702) 759-1681 office
(702) 538-6424 cell

A big Hell Yeah shout out to President Obama, and French president Sarkozy for letting Netanyahu know what they really think of him. Way to go, guys!!!

Is there anyone out there that would like to donate weapons, and sensible shoes to AIPAC members, and the politicians like Romney, Cain......(what a laugh this one generates), and Rick Perry so they, and their families can go fight Israel's enemies for them? I'm sure they would fight over the chance to do this to prove who loves Israel the most.

To the OWS, it's an old truth, if the hooker is good looking.........it's a cop. Keep that in mind when some steroided up goon wants to bust windows and burn cars at your demonstration.........it's a cop. And his efforts will be covered up by local law enforcement, and treated in the media as an "anarchist", in with the demonstrators.

If anyone has foreskin flavored sleeping pills, in any quantity, send them to Congress, they need the sleep, and they'll like the taste. Can't be any worse than what they are swallowing at the moment.

Some nut in AIPAC wants a law passed prohibiting the U. S. gov't from dealing with Iran diplomatically. While they are at it, put in a clause about AIPAC registering as an agent for a foreign gov't.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Telefonica, thumbs down

Hmmmm, short one today, going over news and the more I looked, the less interesting it was. Ok, Scarlet Johansson sent her husband a nude pic that someone hacked.........I'm just glad I didn't see it.

Bergstressen, the cop who shot the protestor in Oakland, his name, pic, and address were leaked to the internet for all interested parties. I don't like what he did, but writing to him won't work, he most likely can't read.

Hillary Clinton's mother, Dorothy Rodham died.

Venessa Hessler, the Italian-American model who was the on air spokesperson for Telefonica, was let go from her duties by Telefonica. Telefonica claimed her presenting the Ghadaffi's/Gadhafi's as human was more than they could take. Hessler had had a four yr relationship with one of the Colonel's sons, Mutassim, and described the family as "normal". It was also reported that she claimed the UK, US, and France had made a mistake in overthrowing Ghaddafi's rule and slaughtering all those people to keep them safe. According to the article, Mutassim was killed with his father. (If that's true at all, remember, the media cannot be trusted, they are owned by zionist sub humans.)

White House: Nothing new there, still slaves to Israel.
Wash. DC: same ole, but with more slurping sounds

Clueless C*NT dept.
hope this link works. This sub human is speaking for the US in not giving money to UNESCO because Palestine was admitted to this organization. You'll see she gets owned by the reporter, when he starts in about Israel. Incidentally, she was just the spokesperson. The real cunt from Florida is a Rep. named Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a Cuban Jew with known associations with Irving Moskowitz, a known funder of illegal Israeli settlements. Ileana has also been caught saying she is in favor of assassinations of anyone oppressing people, the subject being Castro at the time. So does she favor a quick bumping off of Netanyahu? He fits the bill.
Unesco   http://youtu.be/CEGuvuSe0q4  Here, just for fun, a photo of the animal. Republican or Democrat,  they are all animals. This happens to be Republican.

Judge William Adams, on Youtube, cursing at and beating his daughter with a belt. Wife comes in and demands she take one hit on the butt from the belt to stop him. If he was beating her like that, what else might he have been doing? Let's do the math, Judge+ Texas = you can come to your own conclusions. Remember, Texas is where the Bush's are, and Rick Perry, who was bought by Merck and passed a law demanding 12 yr old girls get a Gardasil shot, even though it was widely known to hurt, and kill. Good thing it was filmed, maybe get that judge a little time behind some bars with some of the people he most likely put away.

Kim Kardashian files for divorce.............I think that guy will wake up very soon and figure out he missed the bullet on that one.

Lindsey Lohan goes to jail...........I wonder if she would be dragged through all of this if she was Jewish?

Oh yeah, the usual bullshit about Israel and the "closing window" on the chance to bomb Iran. I'm sure Netanyahu is losing sleep over this, especially if he thinks he may have to go it alone. If Israel wants war so bad, let them do it by themselves, and quit attacking us, and demanding our armed forces die for them. Enough have already. One soldier is too much.

Sunny days and calm waters
M. Beaver