Wednesday, September 28, 2011

........from the lunatic fringe!!

Well, it's been an eventful week so far, and I am counting from sometime last week. Let's get right to the looniness in thinking coming from the news.

Bad cop! No more Ecstacy and gay bars for you !Apparently some sharp eyed people tracked the image, and name of this goon down after he was filmed pepper spraying a young lady without cause. Anthony Bologna, (Leiutenant), NY's (finest). What a macho man and definitely a candidate for the cop in a Village People tribute band. No donuts for this roach who is abusing people while protecting the "tribe" on Wall Street.

For the American contingent at the U.N. who walked out on Ahmajinedad. Fuck every one of you. But, on the brighter side, your Israeli bosses will look down on you with favor for that. At least spit the semen out, will ya? You're making the rest of us sick.

The French are threatening Iran...........this can be a hoot. I can hear the Mirage pilot now, "But, M'seiur, I was told zere would be no meesiles fired at my aeroplane". "Why is my ass on fire"? Let's not discount the French, Renault makes a formidable F1 engine.

Judge Fiedler in Wisconsin........ People do not have a right to grow, or eat food of their choice. Hmmm, not familiar with that law, but he is probably right. That should tell you something about what our gov't thinks of us. Especially the FDA. Apparently bought by Big Ag just like the rest of the public servants. Just another snake in the grass.......did you know wasp spray takes care of snakes too? Just some trivia.

I am officially wrong in a bet I had with a friend over who the USA would bomb next. I was told it would be Pakistan, and sure enough, we have a new terrorist organization supposedly made up of Pakistani military. Damn, how convenient!!

Just for fun, slavery was abolished in this country a long time didn't go anywhere, it moved to Wash DC where it flourishes to this day. Out of the fields and into the streets!!

Netanyahu and the sub humans are building more settler housing on stolen land. Obama must be tired of grinning and taking it. I'd like to think at least he doesn't like it, unlike Biden, who is famous for saying, "Yes, I am a Zionist, you don't have to a Jew to be a Zionist"!! And to think they are still saying, "Our bond with Israel is unbreakable"....LOfucking L.

Here's an idea, since the Holocaust was faked, why not let Israel chase that Iranian car and catch the bumper when it bites? Nothing stops car chasing like catching one and spitting teeth out.

This just on the news. CNN reporting that I guess the FBI has thwarted a plot by someone to fly a model airplane into the White House, Pentagon. The man had pictures of places to launch the plane, etc.  I never had a nice model plane like that growing up, how did that man get the FBI to buy him that stuff? You can bet the plot was enabled, if it is a plot at all. No pictures of planes, or man!!

Apparently this Anonymous thing is spreading, with word going out on the internet of things happening in Boston, etc. Hmmm, we may need the Boondock Saints in that crowd. That should dampen the enthusiasm of the police there

To the people who think our younger generation doesn't think.........They are the ones along with others, that are risking themselves on these protests. I, for one, think well of them, and their thinking abilities.

Finally, let's hear it for vodka and Red Bull, the only thing keeping Britain from falling into their plates of entrails and gravy!!

Last, but not least. Packers fans rejoice!! Apparently TSA type fondling will be happening in the name of security at an upcoming game. Big business (Football), sees you as cattle to be abused, even though buying tickets to the games is a big part of their income. If you go to the game, and let them fondle your kids, wife, etc on the excuse that you paid for the ticket, therefore, your rights are forfeited, it's on you. Personally, football is a game of sweaty men in close grunting contact with other sweaty the math, and watch out for NY police leiutenants nearby. Big time sports, even though they all have lucrative tv contracts, still need to sell out stadiums to be viable. I would say a big boycott is in order, for a couple yrs, that would do it.
So after your wife comes out completely horrified, and some goon has checked your oil, maybe you'll want to think twice of where you're disposable income goes.
Have I offended anyone yet?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A short one on police action in NY.

Hmmmmm, apparently the police state is up and at'em in New York making sure Wall Street is safe from non violent protestors. If you get a chance, drop on by Blacklisted News for a video of the police starting in on the protestors. This reminds me of the IDF, very good at beating, and abusing non violent folk who didn't bother to bring personal protection with them. The police in NY are obviously working to protect the money on Wall Street from even having to see these people. "Roid rage is alive and well and definitely on the coastal cities. The buck always crawls up the walls to the Mayor, who in NY, is a member of the privileged, "tribe". Maybe that's why the goon police are so crazy, all vying for favor from the throne.

Now, back to the comparison with the IDF, (Israeli Defense Force). Here are the similarities as follows:

The IDF routinely shoots and arrests Palestinians , (unarmed), of all ages and of both sexes. This includes shooting into schools and hitting students sitting at there desks in the head. (search Hoda's story). Throwing Palestinian ppl out of there homes in the middle of the night without prior notice, so a "settler" can move in, or have the place bulldozed.

NY police, Seattle police, Portland, LA, the list goes on. Police in this country routinely murder as a matter of procedure in the larger cities. Unarmed people shot, or bludgeoned to death by several costumed enforcers. Even on tv reality shows, they are comfortable enough with the non consequential violence they visit on ppl to even allow tv crews to film them tazering ppl because that person didn't jump to their command. No consequences for them to suffer. Barney to Andy, "honest Andy, I thought that naked mo'fo' was hiding a weapon"!! Now, that sounds like daily events n Palestine, doesn't it?

Not all police are like this, this is a large country. But it makes you wonder, are they being trained to hate the population? Don't they know when their usefulness is over, or the first misstep on orders, they could be thrown on the unemployment heap like so much dirty underwear? Obviously, the brain washing really works. There are news leaks of the FBI being trained, or at least brainwashed to just go after Muslims, (the death star). Shouldn't that also include organizations using a Star of David, and carrying weapons too? Death Star is a death star, Obi-Wan!!

Of course too, when a full blown riot breaks out, like during the Rodney King riots. The police stay out of the area til it's over. That's funny, it's not safe? When the playing field may be level, they aren't interested in the game? If revolution comes to this country, I would bet the situation in the large cities in this country will make Irag, Afghanistan look absolutely like a Sunday afternoon party, compared to the shenanigans that could start up.Wow, IDF all over again. Let's see a show of hands, how many ppl who's job it is to abuse ppl would go to work every day if they thought it could be their last? Hmmm, not too many blade runners?

Saturday, September 17, 2011

More reasons for critical thinking, dumping hero worship

I'm not bothering with pictures cut from the internet today. Let's just go over a few things that have hit the news in the past week. Some funny and sickening, that anyone would actually do this stuff, or want it done.
Here they are, not necessarily in order or given priority.

1. A new suit case filed in New York against Iran and Hezbollah by the wife of a pilot supposedly killed on 9/11 when his plane was hijacked and flown into the towers. The woman and her lawyers are claiming to be able to prove Iran and Hezbollah are responsible for the attacks. Proof coming from various sources such as CIA people, intercepted phone conversations, etc. Hmmmm, file this along with other bullshit attempts to demonize Iran in the public eye so Israel can have them attacked by the Americans.

2. Gunman holed up on Air Force base. Ok, this is a military base.......everyone is a gunman, what's the big deal? That's like saying every house that has a furnace for heat has a portal to hell in it. From what I've read, no one has been shot, or heard a shot...........look!! He's got a gun!!

3. Israel and Greece have signed a defense pact, if I remember it right. This ties in nicely with Turkey and Israel's commitments to each other going down the tubes due to Israel's piracy on the high seas. Apparently Greece and Turkey have no love lost between them, and if Israel buddies up with Greece, they can demand the American taxpayer bail Greece out, and most likely get it from the politicians.

4. Synagogues in Baltimore, and I think either NJ or NY getting security cameras, fencing, mildly blast proof windows. Paid for by Homeland Security, gotta keep those Jews safe even if no one is actually threatening them. LOL I'm sure the man at the head of Homeland Security is sleeping better nights after this.............oooooooh, it's not a man? Could've fooled me.

5. Look for Turkey to be demonized by Israel, and suddenly become a terrorist state. Apparently, after Israel wouldn't even so much as apologize for murdering unarmed Turks on the high seas, things kinda went south. IF.....all this is true, remember, this grandstanding we are seeing in the news could be the usual smokescreen for the public. Anyway, if true, Erdogan has more nerve than any politician on the planet.

6. Woohooo, pat downs at NFL games now due to a fan bringing a tazer to a game and using it on someone. More police state bullshit. One article claimed Jan the Man (more Homeland Security bullshit) is in on this. This is another example of the creeping police state that people will put up with. Having someone from a ghetto or trailer park nearby feeling up your kids and spouses/significant others for their "safety". The logic being in this situation, is you paid to be in this park watching these teams play, and your rights are gone when you bought the ticket.

Remember this when viewing the NFL, or other pro sports games. The NFL is sweaty men in close, grunting contact with other sweaty the math!! All you have to do to stop this, is stop going to the games, stop watching them, buying the merchandise, or the products their sponsors hawk on tv during the games. This goes with flying too, stop flying for ANY REASON, for a month or two, and watch the industry and the TSA circle the drain. You say, they will just come out into the street? They will be anyway, don't doubt that at all. Remember this too, most TSA workers will have that uniform on when they are going to, and coming from work. Shun them in their entirety, don't sell them gas, food, speak to them, anything. What will they do? Attack you in the street? Force you to acknowledge their existence? Then you can have the police come and arrest them for assault.

Just a note on conflict of interest. When Chertoff was head of Ministry of Public Safety, he made sure he got body scanners installed in the airports. He now runs that company that makes the cancer machines. Remember, just to put this in the public mind, those naked pics of little girls/boys are most likely in a database somewhere, with a very high up gov't worker  or politician drooling on them. Pat downs at football games? If you still actually patronize any part of the sport, and it's merchandizing after this, you deserve every indignity they will put on you. Remember, money talks, shunning air travel, or even any travel where a goon with a machine gun will be watching you, or sports events will take it's toll very quickly.

Now, back to the news. The Russians have beat us again!! Thinking outside the box, the Russian space agency had the crew from the space station leave and come back home leaving a skeleton crew to maintain the ship. This was a cost saving measure, meant to cut maintenance costs on fuel, food, etc for flying the ship. Using skeletons to stay up there was very smart. Skeletons do not have your basic needs on earth, or in space that a human would. There is no need to pressurize the cabin on the station, since the skeletons are empty have no organs to explode without the needed air pressure. They don't need to breathe, or eat, or get rid of waste matter. Skeletons are also adapted to long periods alone in space, since they most likely were recruited for this duty after spending years to generations in politician's closets. The only worry is after prolonged periods of weightlessness, will they suffer from bone density loss? Time will tell, the skeletons aren't commenting.