Saturday, September 17, 2011

More reasons for critical thinking, dumping hero worship

I'm not bothering with pictures cut from the internet today. Let's just go over a few things that have hit the news in the past week. Some funny and sickening, that anyone would actually do this stuff, or want it done.
Here they are, not necessarily in order or given priority.

1. A new suit case filed in New York against Iran and Hezbollah by the wife of a pilot supposedly killed on 9/11 when his plane was hijacked and flown into the towers. The woman and her lawyers are claiming to be able to prove Iran and Hezbollah are responsible for the attacks. Proof coming from various sources such as CIA people, intercepted phone conversations, etc. Hmmmm, file this along with other bullshit attempts to demonize Iran in the public eye so Israel can have them attacked by the Americans.

2. Gunman holed up on Air Force base. Ok, this is a military base.......everyone is a gunman, what's the big deal? That's like saying every house that has a furnace for heat has a portal to hell in it. From what I've read, no one has been shot, or heard a shot...........look!! He's got a gun!!

3. Israel and Greece have signed a defense pact, if I remember it right. This ties in nicely with Turkey and Israel's commitments to each other going down the tubes due to Israel's piracy on the high seas. Apparently Greece and Turkey have no love lost between them, and if Israel buddies up with Greece, they can demand the American taxpayer bail Greece out, and most likely get it from the politicians.

4. Synagogues in Baltimore, and I think either NJ or NY getting security cameras, fencing, mildly blast proof windows. Paid for by Homeland Security, gotta keep those Jews safe even if no one is actually threatening them. LOL I'm sure the man at the head of Homeland Security is sleeping better nights after this.............oooooooh, it's not a man? Could've fooled me.

5. Look for Turkey to be demonized by Israel, and suddenly become a terrorist state. Apparently, after Israel wouldn't even so much as apologize for murdering unarmed Turks on the high seas, things kinda went south. IF.....all this is true, remember, this grandstanding we are seeing in the news could be the usual smokescreen for the public. Anyway, if true, Erdogan has more nerve than any politician on the planet.

6. Woohooo, pat downs at NFL games now due to a fan bringing a tazer to a game and using it on someone. More police state bullshit. One article claimed Jan the Man (more Homeland Security bullshit) is in on this. This is another example of the creeping police state that people will put up with. Having someone from a ghetto or trailer park nearby feeling up your kids and spouses/significant others for their "safety". The logic being in this situation, is you paid to be in this park watching these teams play, and your rights are gone when you bought the ticket.

Remember this when viewing the NFL, or other pro sports games. The NFL is sweaty men in close, grunting contact with other sweaty the math!! All you have to do to stop this, is stop going to the games, stop watching them, buying the merchandise, or the products their sponsors hawk on tv during the games. This goes with flying too, stop flying for ANY REASON, for a month or two, and watch the industry and the TSA circle the drain. You say, they will just come out into the street? They will be anyway, don't doubt that at all. Remember this too, most TSA workers will have that uniform on when they are going to, and coming from work. Shun them in their entirety, don't sell them gas, food, speak to them, anything. What will they do? Attack you in the street? Force you to acknowledge their existence? Then you can have the police come and arrest them for assault.

Just a note on conflict of interest. When Chertoff was head of Ministry of Public Safety, he made sure he got body scanners installed in the airports. He now runs that company that makes the cancer machines. Remember, just to put this in the public mind, those naked pics of little girls/boys are most likely in a database somewhere, with a very high up gov't worker  or politician drooling on them. Pat downs at football games? If you still actually patronize any part of the sport, and it's merchandizing after this, you deserve every indignity they will put on you. Remember, money talks, shunning air travel, or even any travel where a goon with a machine gun will be watching you, or sports events will take it's toll very quickly.

Now, back to the news. The Russians have beat us again!! Thinking outside the box, the Russian space agency had the crew from the space station leave and come back home leaving a skeleton crew to maintain the ship. This was a cost saving measure, meant to cut maintenance costs on fuel, food, etc for flying the ship. Using skeletons to stay up there was very smart. Skeletons do not have your basic needs on earth, or in space that a human would. There is no need to pressurize the cabin on the station, since the skeletons are empty have no organs to explode without the needed air pressure. They don't need to breathe, or eat, or get rid of waste matter. Skeletons are also adapted to long periods alone in space, since they most likely were recruited for this duty after spending years to generations in politician's closets. The only worry is after prolonged periods of weightlessness, will they suffer from bone density loss? Time will tell, the skeletons aren't commenting.

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