Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A short one on police action in NY.

Hmmmmm, apparently the police state is up and at'em in New York making sure Wall Street is safe from non violent protestors. If you get a chance, drop on by Blacklisted News for a video of the police starting in on the protestors. This reminds me of the IDF, very good at beating, and abusing non violent folk who didn't bother to bring personal protection with them. The police in NY are obviously working to protect the money on Wall Street from even having to see these people. "Roid rage is alive and well and definitely on the coastal cities. The buck always crawls up the walls to the Mayor, who in NY, is a member of the privileged, "tribe". Maybe that's why the goon police are so crazy, all vying for favor from the throne.

Now, back to the comparison with the IDF, (Israeli Defense Force). Here are the similarities as follows:

The IDF routinely shoots and arrests Palestinians , (unarmed), of all ages and of both sexes. This includes shooting into schools and hitting students sitting at there desks in the head. (search Hoda's story). Throwing Palestinian ppl out of there homes in the middle of the night without prior notice, so a "settler" can move in, or have the place bulldozed.

NY police, Seattle police, Portland, LA, the list goes on. Police in this country routinely murder as a matter of procedure in the larger cities. Unarmed people shot, or bludgeoned to death by several costumed enforcers. Even on tv reality shows, they are comfortable enough with the non consequential violence they visit on ppl to even allow tv crews to film them tazering ppl because that person didn't jump to their command. No consequences for them to suffer. Barney to Andy, "honest Andy, I thought that naked mo'fo' was hiding a weapon"!! Now, that sounds like daily events n Palestine, doesn't it?

Not all police are like this, this is a large country. But it makes you wonder, are they being trained to hate the population? Don't they know when their usefulness is over, or the first misstep on orders, they could be thrown on the unemployment heap like so much dirty underwear? Obviously, the brain washing really works. There are news leaks of the FBI being trained, or at least brainwashed to just go after Muslims, (the death star). Shouldn't that also include organizations using a Star of David, and carrying weapons too? Death Star is a death star, Obi-Wan!!

Of course too, when a full blown riot breaks out, like during the Rodney King riots. The police stay out of the area til it's over. That's funny, it's not safe? When the playing field may be level, they aren't interested in the game? If revolution comes to this country, I would bet the situation in the large cities in this country will make Irag, Afghanistan look absolutely like a Sunday afternoon party, compared to the shenanigans that could start up.Wow, IDF all over again. Let's see a show of hands, how many ppl who's job it is to abuse ppl would go to work every day if they thought it could be their last? Hmmm, not too many blade runners?

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