Sunday, November 13, 2011

Attacks in Jewish section of Brooklyn, NY

This is a hoot, straight from Reuters. On saturday, Nov. 12, several cars were set afire, and racist names painted on a van in this neighborhood. "KKK", painted in red on a van. This comes a day after, I think, 73rd anniversary of Kristallnacht. This was stressed in the article, and Mayor Bloomberg calling it a "hate" crime, but police have no suspects in this case. Hmmmm, last time something like this happened, wasn't it at Columbia university and the student was caught marking her own door? This has all the earmarks of the "victims" creating their own crimes when there is a lack of that behavior being exhibited toward them. I guess their auto insurance companies will take care of the burned cars. Insurance scam, anyone?

Also, in Congressnake news, Reps from NY and FLA, (wouldn't that figure), apparently are trying to beat a war drum against Iran saying they are testing warheads on their missiles. Congressnakes must really hate the American people, they are constantly trying to get them killed off in disgusting, needless wars for their bosses in Israel.

Apparently, God is talking to the presidential hopefuls again...........Herman Cain.........pray, pray, pray, .............Oh? You want me to run for President? Sure, I'll do it.

Warning: last time this particular god spoke to a human, he/she picked the worst one that could be found.

                                                  God told me to slaughter all these people!!
Just a short one
M. Beaver

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