Another lunatic posting not necessarily in chronological order:
Afghan leader Karzai says he won't back America if they attack Pakistan. After 10 yrs of unprovoked bombing and shooting up the place, why would idiots like American war mongers think otherwise? I have read the bloodlines of the leaders lead back a long way, and they are related, but this is beginning to look like DNA decay has set in. "Deliverance" anyone?
Hillary beast in a short video laughed and made a joke at Ghaddafi's "death", proving once and for all she is really a man, no woman in her right mind would have even joked liked that. That is the territory of men.
Michael Bloomberg is now going to require permits for the protestors on Wall Street. Of course he is going to do that, the "Tribe" always charges where they can. Proving again roach-be-gone is not up to effective strength yet.
Old man "Pepper", Anthony Bologna, (hmmmm, is this a goombah?), is losing 10 vacation days for the unprovoked pepper spray incident. 10 days to a municipal worker with what is most likely his seniority doesn't actually amount to a hill of beans in his big picture. But then, are we being worked? That girl screamed, but in the video, she wasn't even covering her eyes with a hand, I would think that is the normal reaction to that kind of pain.
From the "so far out I like this website news": Sorcha Faal, with possibly the only truth in the reporting is that it is evident someone typed it, reporting that our military set off a nuclear weapon in Texas to get 5 terrorists. Ok, it was reported as an earthquake, like the one in August on the eastern seaboard, with the attendant details like no instrument reported "waves" before the actual tremor. Who in their right mind would do something that harsh to get 5 people. Ok, we're in America, maybe it's not real far out. After all, look at what is running this country and it's policy.
More lunatic observations from the Beaver on the afforementioned subject:
Sorcha Faal, like a ton of other disinfo sites, also tries to get the reader to associate certain nationalities, religions with terrorism. Example in mind right now, for my attention span challenged brain, is in the article about the 5 terrorists they would set off nuclear weapons underground to eliminate. The story says the "five" were in the CIA's employ, were Moroccan. Ok, now we know, or assume Moroccan is going to be Muslim. Do you get the connection that is made? Moroccan = Muslim = terrorist. Nothing in that equation really makes logical sense to a truly awake person. The equation should read this, CIA employ = terrorist, regardless of nationality or religion. Hmmm, now that I read this, I am also guilty of manipulating the reader.
Now to connect some dots from the last week or two. 20,000 missiles that were in Libya's arsenal are missing, now the American military is going to have to find them. According to Sorcha Faal, these "terrorists" are said to possibly have several of these shoulder fired weapons brought down to themor with them in an RV bought in NY and driven to Texas with the missiles in it. It apparently did not take those missiles long to leave Libya I guess, and simply marked, "Parcel post to NY", no questions asked. At this point, remember the source, all of this may be/is bullshit to send you into fear and looking under rocks and around dark corners for Muslim terrorists and weapons that are like smoke, very hard to grab.
Get ready for another dot: remember the RV used to transport the rockets? A slightly more current headline is, Tennessee police and Homeland Security sets up checkpoints at weigh stations and bus stations in Tennessee. Hmmm, unannounced checkpoints for checking travelers through Tennessee. Seems about right for someone to talk about an RV with stolen shoulder fired missiles on it, and then the police state starts setting up checkpoints on the possible routes you may drive on, on your way to Texas. Of course this is the security state wanting you, the people to get used to them asking, "Papers please", as you roll down the once free roads of America.
All of this typing is potentially for nothing, as we have no definite proof any of these things are as they seem. I just wanted to point out several different events that could be related to each other. Keep an open mind, and in the back of your mind, as a counterbalance, your "leaders" hate you as a tax paying citizen, because they cannot exist without being a leech on the country. Once into public service, most are thoroughly compromised by the "people in the shadows" that make sure they are elected, and will go along with the "shadow agenda".
Blue skies, calm waters to you
M. Beaver
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011
Orcs and Morlocks
Now, in America, the banks can buy police protection, and abuse to anyone they want, over and above the pay they get from the City of New York. The Federal Reserve banks and their owners know, now, the white light of knowledge as to what they do, and are up to is on them. They will not hesitate to have their costumed thugs kill people if they have to, to hold on to the power to literally make money. People are protesting against the Fed and want this parasite removed. Think very large leeches, on the backs of every person in America. Why do you think they have the President, and the other morons trying to get a war going with Iran? To distract the country from the real problems that are facing it. These problems begin with the Federal Reserve, and the Wall Street banks that are being bailed out on the backs of the American people.
Wild animals, mostly vermin, will strike out when cornered. This is what Wall Street is doing right now by paying these Orcs to attack the people. There are only so many Orcs, even if they import Orcs from the other subhuman cities nearby, eventually they will be overrun. (Thunderous voice) Orcs!! Take heed!! The side you have chosen may be the last time you can choose a side. If this goes into total revolution, your uniform and function will be remembered by many, who will not be charitable when it comes to ridding the new society of vermin. Remember, they hung Nazis at Nuremberg even though they were "just following orders". So that won't be an excuse. Your guns will not save you. That state of mind you live in will eventually eat you from the inside out, culminating in a single muffled pop from the pistol you put in your mouth late at night, drunk, wishing you had seen things more clearly. Remember, Orcs of New York, and other cities, your time is limited, if this movement gets much bigger, and goes to violence, guess who is going to be laughing at you, while you are getting disabled, or possibly killed? Those same people who you think are worth your time, and health.
They will be laughing, and calling you a sucker, an absolute fool for fighting for their benefit.
When you are sitting in a hospital, or alone, house repossessed, and nowhere to turn. These same people whom you are abusing the public trust for, will be toasting their continued success, born on the bloodshed and backs of what they consider, "Orcs", "cattle", animals, subhumans, slaves......YOU!!
To the reader: yes, referring to the police as Orcs and subhumans is a transparent way to manipulate you into thinking they are less than human. Why do you think the media always talks bout Iran, mentioning it's nuclear power program as contested, so that you will automatically think of Iran as "evil", "hating". We have been fed this bull since we were born, and it takes a lot of open mind and research to see through it without a hint of knee jerk "Terrorists"!!, reaction. I"ll admit it. What do you think they think of you? Certain people of a certain religion, who likes to remain in darkness pay "think tanks" to research the right words and phrases to be spoken/broadcasted at you on a constant basis to get you to think in a certain way. i.e, Jews are victims, Muslims are evil, etc. Nothing is further from the truth. Jews are not victims, Muslims are not inherently violent, or hating toward other religions. Come to think of it, I work with men who practice Islam, and on a very close look at them, I discovered.........holy shit, he's just like me!! Although I do consider myself better looking!! LOL
Wild animals, mostly vermin, will strike out when cornered. This is what Wall Street is doing right now by paying these Orcs to attack the people. There are only so many Orcs, even if they import Orcs from the other subhuman cities nearby, eventually they will be overrun. (Thunderous voice) Orcs!! Take heed!! The side you have chosen may be the last time you can choose a side. If this goes into total revolution, your uniform and function will be remembered by many, who will not be charitable when it comes to ridding the new society of vermin. Remember, they hung Nazis at Nuremberg even though they were "just following orders". So that won't be an excuse. Your guns will not save you. That state of mind you live in will eventually eat you from the inside out, culminating in a single muffled pop from the pistol you put in your mouth late at night, drunk, wishing you had seen things more clearly. Remember, Orcs of New York, and other cities, your time is limited, if this movement gets much bigger, and goes to violence, guess who is going to be laughing at you, while you are getting disabled, or possibly killed? Those same people who you think are worth your time, and health.
They will be laughing, and calling you a sucker, an absolute fool for fighting for their benefit.
When you are sitting in a hospital, or alone, house repossessed, and nowhere to turn. These same people whom you are abusing the public trust for, will be toasting their continued success, born on the bloodshed and backs of what they consider, "Orcs", "cattle", animals, subhumans, slaves......YOU!!
To the reader: yes, referring to the police as Orcs and subhumans is a transparent way to manipulate you into thinking they are less than human. Why do you think the media always talks bout Iran, mentioning it's nuclear power program as contested, so that you will automatically think of Iran as "evil", "hating". We have been fed this bull since we were born, and it takes a lot of open mind and research to see through it without a hint of knee jerk "Terrorists"!!, reaction. I"ll admit it. What do you think they think of you? Certain people of a certain religion, who likes to remain in darkness pay "think tanks" to research the right words and phrases to be spoken/broadcasted at you on a constant basis to get you to think in a certain way. i.e, Jews are victims, Muslims are evil, etc. Nothing is further from the truth. Jews are not victims, Muslims are not inherently violent, or hating toward other religions. Come to think of it, I work with men who practice Islam, and on a very close look at them, I discovered.........holy shit, he's just like me!! Although I do consider myself better looking!! LOL
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Marching orders
Just saw a Fox news "breaking" item. All 100 slaves called into chamber for "intelligence briefing" on Iran situation. I have seen on a known bullshit site that our military has a couple thousand tanks parked in the middle east, not sure how true that might be. Even the garbage sites may have a kernel of truth in them. Hey, that sounds like CNN and Fox!! The only thing true you see is, yes, that is a person talking.
I guess the slaves are getting their marching orders from the "Massa". Hmmm, you know, the web bots also had something happening before the end of this week. But the writer thought it would be financial, or short lived in the execution, but of course, the slavery will be for generations. If Greece defaults, look for a domino effect, and the ocean is no barrier between us, and them.
A lot of people trying to dilute the message of the protestors on Wall Street, and other places around the country, it gets old and sick watching these people babble on about how wrong this is. I guess when the sub humans are paying you, you have stick to the script.
To reiterate an old point of mine on 9/11. Stop with the debating on whether a plane or missile at different locations did the job. It is pointless. It divides and dilutes the energy of the people who would like to see this whole thing brought to trial. The only thing that must be pursued is who. To hell with the why, or how. We may never bring to justice the people who did this because it was our own gov't. They are not about to get a sudden pang of conscience and admit to it. Sub humans are not like that. Ok, my writing seems like a wild least I'm not hallucinating or putting myself into the story!! LOL, no Gonzo journalism here!!
Hell, I'm not sure what I do could be called journalism. Don't get me wrong, I am a fan of Hunter Thompson, to the end!!
Tom Ridge on CNN on Iran sitation...........he's not in the gov't anymore, but the company he represents sounds like a jackboot outfit. Too much flying semen on his chin. Why even talk to that piece of shit?
Fast and Furious, (and nothing to do with Vin Diesel)....hmmm, I think Holder and Obama are going to wind up with that "deer in the headlights" look.......permanently.
Right now, I'm kinda disgusted as I am typing this, and would really like to go off on a favorite subject of mine, which is two verse songs which tell a whole story. Maybe I'll save that another time. Grrrrr, I really like that subject!!
Just so you know this is a human behind this screen, watch for turtles crossing back roads, they get confused when on blacktop. I know this from experience. If you can stop and set them in the direction they were headed off the road, you will receive big time brownie points in the karma dept. Remember, they get a little single minded, and will continue on in the direction they were going before hitting the blacktop. That's what the turtle told me!!
M. Beaver
I guess the slaves are getting their marching orders from the "Massa". Hmmm, you know, the web bots also had something happening before the end of this week. But the writer thought it would be financial, or short lived in the execution, but of course, the slavery will be for generations. If Greece defaults, look for a domino effect, and the ocean is no barrier between us, and them.
A lot of people trying to dilute the message of the protestors on Wall Street, and other places around the country, it gets old and sick watching these people babble on about how wrong this is. I guess when the sub humans are paying you, you have stick to the script.
To reiterate an old point of mine on 9/11. Stop with the debating on whether a plane or missile at different locations did the job. It is pointless. It divides and dilutes the energy of the people who would like to see this whole thing brought to trial. The only thing that must be pursued is who. To hell with the why, or how. We may never bring to justice the people who did this because it was our own gov't. They are not about to get a sudden pang of conscience and admit to it. Sub humans are not like that. Ok, my writing seems like a wild least I'm not hallucinating or putting myself into the story!! LOL, no Gonzo journalism here!!
Hell, I'm not sure what I do could be called journalism. Don't get me wrong, I am a fan of Hunter Thompson, to the end!!
Tom Ridge on CNN on Iran sitation...........he's not in the gov't anymore, but the company he represents sounds like a jackboot outfit. Too much flying semen on his chin. Why even talk to that piece of shit?
Fast and Furious, (and nothing to do with Vin Diesel)....hmmm, I think Holder and Obama are going to wind up with that "deer in the headlights" look.......permanently.
Right now, I'm kinda disgusted as I am typing this, and would really like to go off on a favorite subject of mine, which is two verse songs which tell a whole story. Maybe I'll save that another time. Grrrrr, I really like that subject!!
Just so you know this is a human behind this screen, watch for turtles crossing back roads, they get confused when on blacktop. I know this from experience. If you can stop and set them in the direction they were headed off the road, you will receive big time brownie points in the karma dept. Remember, they get a little single minded, and will continue on in the direction they were going before hitting the blacktop. That's what the turtle told me!!
M. Beaver
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Would you trust Eric Holder to even turn out a light?
Wow, a new announcement from Eric Holder, who's claim to fame is denying any knowledge of "Fast and Furious" gun running. Never mind how many people on both sides of the border who were, and will be killed with these guns!! "Yo, Obama"!! Tell dese mudda fuckaz I dint have anyt'ing to do with selling guns to dem Mexicans"!! Ok, to the announcement!! An Iranian national has been jerked up for plotting to kill the Saudi ambassador to the United Snakes. Wow, the MSM is having a field day, with beady eyed, blood thirsty talking heads interviewing ever fuckin expert that came crawling out from under the woodwork. I did not know roaches were attracted to the idea of blood about to be spilled. Where is that can of Super sized Raid when you need it? One interview with a "Latino" expert speculating on how this could be pulled off by Mexican organized crime people. Going into detail on how the "hit" man could be killed after doing the deed, or arrested to run interference for the money man. the speculation went on to dizzyng heights, such as, they are criminals, and this is what they do. They could charge a million dollars for a hit like this. Never mind that is pocket change to a drug cartel, and why bother with the publicity? His name was Fuentes, talking to Woof Blitzer, (I bet he barely survived high school with a name like that). The entire affair reeks of bullshit aimed trying to scare people who still believe the MSM. I am tempted to think they are trying to get our attention on to Ok'ing a war on Iran, or more sanctions, and while they are at it, involve the Mexicans.
Apparently, the protests going on in New York and elsewhere needed some interference run in the news. People will be howling how could these evil Iranians plot to do this in a restaurant on American soil? Of course, if you believe that, you probably also believe box cutters and 19 martyrs on 9/11. Ok, I'm going to hold off on the gaydar being set off when an ex NY cop shows up talking about the protests. I"m not going to mention that!!
hmmmm, maybe some pictures? For fun?
this is Sarah Palin, with the flag of the country she truly loves. But then, everyone knows that. Thankfully, Michelle Bachmann has come along to make our Sarah look truly bright!!!
Michelle, the one person in politics that could make Palin look bright, and McCain look patriotic.
Why are Natalie Portman's nipples hard? Is she getting her oil checked in that photo? There are hands out of sight ya know!! Incidentally, Portman is the latest golden girl for Hollywood, not a lot of talent, but a Zionist, and that's all the qualifications you need. Ask Bill Maher. Hillary looks like her oil is being checked.
"Some mudda fuckaz set me up tellin' da press I knew about frontin' guns to Jorge......I mean those Mexicans" .
the Honorable, and quite nice looking.............Riot Dog!!
Apparently, the protests going on in New York and elsewhere needed some interference run in the news. People will be howling how could these evil Iranians plot to do this in a restaurant on American soil? Of course, if you believe that, you probably also believe box cutters and 19 martyrs on 9/11. Ok, I'm going to hold off on the gaydar being set off when an ex NY cop shows up talking about the protests. I"m not going to mention that!!
hmmmm, maybe some pictures? For fun?
this is Sarah Palin, with the flag of the country she truly loves. But then, everyone knows that. Thankfully, Michelle Bachmann has come along to make our Sarah look truly bright!!!
Michelle, the one person in politics that could make Palin look bright, and McCain look patriotic.
Why are Natalie Portman's nipples hard? Is she getting her oil checked in that photo? There are hands out of sight ya know!! Incidentally, Portman is the latest golden girl for Hollywood, not a lot of talent, but a Zionist, and that's all the qualifications you need. Ask Bill Maher. Hillary looks like her oil is being checked.
"Some mudda fuckaz set me up tellin' da press I knew about frontin' guns to Jorge......I mean those Mexicans" .
the Honorable, and quite nice looking.............Riot Dog!!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
More happenings to see through, or laugh at
More attacks by NY police (thugs) on the protestors on Wall Street, and at other locations. The beaver did read another article where someone brought up the point of view that maybe this is just an abusive smokescreen to get the attention off of Wall Street. That does make sense. I'm sure those brain dead police up there are not realizing they are worse slaves than the protestors. LOL, yes, massa, I will beat those women and pepper spray them cause they is unarmed!! Of course the mayor of NY, an honored member of the tribe is trying to tell the public the workers on Wall Street make 40-50,000 a yr and are not to blame. Yeah right, wages in NY start at ungodly and go up from there, I bet the janitors are making that. After all, Lt. Anthony Bologna is reported to make a six figure salary. Here is a nice group shot of the NYPD.
The nice people in the Turkish gov't managed to out the criminal thugs of the IDF who attacked and slaughtered 9 Turkish nationals, and an American of Turkish descent on the high seas. I believe they did this with Facebook. Hmmmm, what a hoot!! Now their names and pictures are on the internet. I have a picture of one here. Nice shot, huh?
Now, those pesky Pakistani's who are tired of being droned bombed, assassinated at will, got the nerve to throw eggs and I guess tomatoes at the US ambassador. What is wrong with them? Rocks are free, and much more effective. But, I guess you had to be there. Here's a pic of the ambassador. This writer cannot say what condition he may have been in at the time of the photo.
Ok, let's go on to mention the ADL's, and miscellaneous Jew organizations in California's efforts to make sure the children's view of Gaza did not go on display. Well, fat boy, it didn't work. They took the art to Oakland, and got a lot of exposure as a result. Roaches in a corner will push against anything, until the pointy toed boot squashes it in the corner. (Why do think they call them roach killers?) Gloating over the victory is so sub human a behavior, it's hard for this beaver to wrap his mind around small children of the non combatant kind ever seeing these scenes. . But, I'm sure our politicians just love it too. After all, slavery moved uptown in this century and currently resides in Wash DC. I believe this holocaust to be real, unlike the imagined one that countless Jew writers wring their hands at night trying to write. Sometimes even hands don't like to lie. Here are some pics from the kids. This artwork depicts scenes no kid at that art level should EVER BE EXPOSED TO IN THIS WORLD. No amount of threats, or coverups, or spin by the media and the slaves in Wash DC is going to cover this up. Without further ado:

This is from the NY protest. Apparently these people are wide awake, look at the left upper corner of the sign. More to come, there is no limit to what will come, considering it's the news we are looking at. Lies, or what did Hillarybeast call it once? "I must have misspoke"! Spoken like a well trained slave.
Best wishes, M. Beaver
The nice people in the Turkish gov't managed to out the criminal thugs of the IDF who attacked and slaughtered 9 Turkish nationals, and an American of Turkish descent on the high seas. I believe they did this with Facebook. Hmmmm, what a hoot!! Now their names and pictures are on the internet. I have a picture of one here. Nice shot, huh?
Now, those pesky Pakistani's who are tired of being droned bombed, assassinated at will, got the nerve to throw eggs and I guess tomatoes at the US ambassador. What is wrong with them? Rocks are free, and much more effective. But, I guess you had to be there. Here's a pic of the ambassador. This writer cannot say what condition he may have been in at the time of the photo.
Ok, let's go on to mention the ADL's, and miscellaneous Jew organizations in California's efforts to make sure the children's view of Gaza did not go on display. Well, fat boy, it didn't work. They took the art to Oakland, and got a lot of exposure as a result. Roaches in a corner will push against anything, until the pointy toed boot squashes it in the corner. (Why do think they call them roach killers?) Gloating over the victory is so sub human a behavior, it's hard for this beaver to wrap his mind around small children of the non combatant kind ever seeing these scenes. . But, I'm sure our politicians just love it too. After all, slavery moved uptown in this century and currently resides in Wash DC. I believe this holocaust to be real, unlike the imagined one that countless Jew writers wring their hands at night trying to write. Sometimes even hands don't like to lie. Here are some pics from the kids. This artwork depicts scenes no kid at that art level should EVER BE EXPOSED TO IN THIS WORLD. No amount of threats, or coverups, or spin by the media and the slaves in Wash DC is going to cover this up. Without further ado:


Ok, this is getting a little long for my attention span, so I will end with another shot of the Greek Riot dog. More power to the Greek people. And...(insert blood thirsty deity here), keep this dog safe.
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