Sunday, October 23, 2011

Knee jerk reactions.........there it goes again!!

Another lunatic posting not necessarily in chronological order:

Afghan leader Karzai says he won't back America if they attack Pakistan. After 10 yrs of unprovoked bombing and shooting up the place, why would idiots like American war mongers think otherwise? I have read the bloodlines of the leaders lead back a long way, and they are related, but this is beginning to look like DNA decay has set in. "Deliverance" anyone?

Hillary beast in a short video laughed and made a joke at Ghaddafi's "death", proving once and for all she is really a man, no woman in her right mind would have even joked liked that. That is the territory of men.

Michael Bloomberg is now going to require permits for the protestors on Wall Street. Of course he is going to do that, the "Tribe" always charges where they can. Proving again roach-be-gone is not up to effective strength yet.

Old man "Pepper", Anthony Bologna, (hmmmm, is this a goombah?), is losing 10 vacation days for the unprovoked pepper spray incident. 10 days to a municipal worker with what is most likely his seniority doesn't actually amount to a hill of beans in his big picture. But then, are we being worked? That girl screamed, but in the video, she wasn't even covering her eyes with a hand, I would think that is the normal reaction to that kind of pain.

From the "so far out I like this website news": Sorcha Faal, with possibly the only truth in the reporting is that it is evident someone typed it, reporting that our military set off a nuclear weapon in Texas to get 5 terrorists. Ok, it was reported as an earthquake, like the one in August on the eastern seaboard, with the attendant details like no instrument reported "waves" before the actual tremor. Who in their right mind would do something that harsh to get 5 people. Ok, we're in America, maybe it's not real far out. After all, look at what is running this country and it's policy.

More lunatic observations from the Beaver on the afforementioned subject:
Sorcha Faal, like a ton of other disinfo sites, also tries to get the reader to associate certain nationalities, religions with terrorism. Example in mind right now, for my attention span challenged brain, is in the article about the 5 terrorists they would set off nuclear weapons underground to eliminate. The story says the "five" were in the CIA's employ, were Moroccan. Ok, now we know, or assume Moroccan is going to be Muslim. Do you get the connection that is made? Moroccan = Muslim = terrorist. Nothing in that equation really makes logical sense to a truly awake person. The equation should read this, CIA employ = terrorist, regardless of nationality or religion. Hmmm, now that I read this, I am also guilty of manipulating the reader.

Now to connect some dots from the last week or two. 20,000 missiles that were in Libya's arsenal are missing, now the American military is going to have to find them. According to Sorcha Faal, these "terrorists" are said to possibly have several of these shoulder fired weapons brought down to themor with them in an RV bought in NY and driven to Texas with the missiles in it. It apparently did not take those missiles long to leave Libya I guess, and simply marked, "Parcel post to NY", no questions asked. At this point, remember the source, all of this may be/is bullshit to send you into fear and looking under rocks and around dark corners for  Muslim terrorists and weapons that are like smoke, very hard to grab.

 Get ready for another dot: remember the RV used to transport the rockets? A slightly more current headline is, Tennessee police and Homeland Security sets up checkpoints at weigh stations and bus stations in Tennessee. Hmmm, unannounced checkpoints for checking travelers through Tennessee. Seems about right for someone to talk about an RV with stolen shoulder fired missiles on it, and then the police state starts setting up checkpoints on the possible routes you may drive on, on your way to Texas. Of course this is the security state wanting you, the people to get used to them asking, "Papers please", as you roll down the once free roads of America.

All of this typing is potentially for nothing, as we have no definite proof any of these things are as they seem. I just wanted to point out several different events that could be related to each other. Keep an open mind, and in the back of your mind, as a counterbalance, your "leaders" hate you as a tax paying citizen, because they cannot exist without being a leech on the country. Once into public service, most are thoroughly compromised by the "people in the shadows" that make sure they are elected, and will go along with the "shadow agenda".

Blue skies, calm waters to you
M. Beaver

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